Selasa, 21 April 2015

Underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism) - Symptoms

Symptoms of hypoactive thyroid

Many symptoms of AN hypoactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) square measure constant as those for different conditions, so that they will simply be confused for one thing else.

Symptoms typically begin slowly and you will not realise you have got a medical drawback for many years.

Common symptoms include:

    being sensitive to cold
    weight gain
    slow movements and thoughts
    muscle aches and weakness
    muscle cramps
    dry and scaly skin
    brittle hair and nails
    loss of concupiscence
    pain, symptom and a tingling sensation within the hand and fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome)
    irregular or serious periods

Elderly individuals with AN hypoactive thyroid could develop memory issues and depression. youngsters could expertise slower growth and development. Teenagers could begin time of life ahead of traditional.

If you have got any of those symptoms, see your medico ANd raise to be tested for an hypoactive thyroid.

Find out a lot of regarding obtaining tested for AN hypoactive thyroid.
If hypoactive thyroid isn't treated

It is unlikely that you just would have several of the later symptoms of AN hypoactive thyroid because the condition is usually noticed before a lot of serious symptoms seem.

Later symptoms of hypoactive thyroid include:

    a low-pitched and gruff voice
    a puffy-looking face
       weakened or partially missing eyebrows
    a slow pulse rate
       hearing impairment

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